Network marketing strategy error that needs to be avoided

[China Glass Network] When companies conduct network marketing strategies, the following issues should be noted:

The obvious mistake of the previous one is product-centric network marketing promotion. Too much emphasis on the meaning of the product, and completely ignore the fact that it should be customer-centric. This is a theory that has been said to be bad in traditional marketing, but unfortunately many online marketing is still a bit self-talking. It is precisely because the Internet is a special kind of easy to interact, too many self-selling and too many browsing experience ads (such as pop-ups), will lead to the audience's rebound. It’s not too big a problem to appear on, because even if the audience feels funny or angry, at most it is ignored. But on the Internet, they will make a quick voice, a little impulsive, and will be awkward. This kind of so-called negative comments has left many organizations with a lingering fear, and they are afraid of online marketing. In the final analysis, they still sell too much.

The second common mistake is to over-emphasize the fancy of the advanced and expressive forms of technology. A company that produces suits, its entire official website is loaded in a Flash, of course, very beautiful, but unfortunately, the search engine can not recognize the animation, so the search volume of the website in Baidu search engine is only one (that is Home). Today, the search engine has become the default homepage of many Internet users. To be so proud of the search engine, it can only be said that it is a car. Similar to there are more commercial topics in the industry commonly known as "aircraft drafts", beautiful, the leaders of the organization have been praised after reading, but just forgot, the patience of web browsers is only a few seconds, and this A beautiful Flash takes more than half a minute to load.

Another fancy performance is the use of color. Almost everyone knows that black stands for "cool", so there are quite a few organizations whose websites are black bottoms to show their "cool" temperament. But scientific research shows that black-based pages are not conducive to reading. If a person faces white on a black background, he will feel visual fatigue in a relatively short period of time. When the viewer boasted "Wow, this page is so cool" and left in a few seconds, I don't know what kind of marketing significance does this "cool station" have in addition to an artistic performance?

If the above two strategic mistakes are relatively simple, those who have a little knowledge of network technology will try their best to avoid it. Then, the next mistake is that many people are unconsciously or self-conceived to repeat it repeatedly: excessively selling as a center.

The author once mentioned that the case of doing good online marketing is Dell's official website. But what I also mentioned is that not all corporate websites can be made into Dell. Dell's online marketing, with its own self-contained value chain management, and almost all standardized product prices. For most companies, these two points are not available.

The right thing to do at the right time, for many organizations, their own conditions, their network marketing plan should not be made "strongly buy" (for example, to do a simple B2C website), and More should focus on a customer-based package that collects feedback and implements an informed purchase decision.

The latter strategic issue cannot be said to be a mistake. It should be said to be a condition. The organization's online marketing needs a strong and far-sighted high-level person who can influence decision making (BakerM. even thinks this person is the CEO). Of course, there is no shortage of promotion cases in online marketing, but in most cases, it requires a long process of accumulation. In the front-end Internet boom, many organizations rushed to "touch the net", but immediately began to retreat. Internet marketing, in the final analysis, is not speculative.

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