Dushanyu is named after the unique mountain in the suburb of Nanyang City, Henan Province, China. It is also known as “Nanyangyu†and has a long history of development and utilization. Dushan jade has a variety of varieties, some of which are similar in appearance to jade. In the 1950s, Soviet geologists mistakenly attributed Dushan jade to the deposit formed by jade.
Unique color of Dushan jade: flesh-brown
The basic characteristics of Dushan jade
1. The structural characteristics of Dushan jade:
Dushan jade is a fine-grained or cryptocrystalline structure with dense texture. However, due to the influence of alteration and compositional minerals, structural features such as ribbons and stains often appear.
2. Dushan jade variety:
Dushan jade has various colors and uneven distribution. The common colors are green and white, followed by yellow brown, maroon, pink and ink, and are divided into different varieties according to color. Among them, green Dushan jade is similar to jade.
3. Appearance characteristics of green Dushan jade:
The polishing of Dushan jade is often not good, it is oily and lustrous. The dark green Dushan jade has a characteristic color shape. The dark green color is a camouflage pattern formed by clumps and white parts, and the transparency is poor, micro-transparent to opaque. The veined roots are distributed along small cracks, often with black spots caused by dark minerals.
4. Physical properties of Dushan jade:
Hardness: 6 ~ 6.5; relative density: 2.73 ~ 3.18, controlled by the type and content of the composition of the mineral; fracture characteristics: granular fracture; Charles filter reaction: green Dushan jade red or orange red.
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